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Marelux attended dive show in japan between April 7th and 9th

Views : 291
Author : Marelux team
Update time : 2023-04-12 17:27:42

Recently, MARELUX, one of the well-known brands in the underwater photography equipment field, successfully showcased at the Japan dive show, becoming the focus of many customers. During the exhibition, MARELUX displayed a series of the latest underwater photography equipment and accessories, including underwater Housings, Smart Optical Flash Tube (SOFT) Pro, and Smart Viewfinder, etc.

In the exhibition hall, MARELUX's dealer, Diving Services Toranchi, introduced the product features and advantages to diving enthusiasts, attracting many people to come for consultation and ordering.





MARELUX's booth attracted enthusiastic attention from various customers and diving enthusiasts. Through this exhibition platform, MARELUX also gained interests from many potential customers and professionals.






The underwater housing, SOFT Pro, and Smart Viewfinder displayed by MARELUX during the exhibition showcased their superior design, advanced technology and professional manufacturing capability. This has greatly increased the brand recognition among customers.





The successful holding of the MARELUX dive show in Japan is undoubtedly another strong verification of the brand's top diving technology and product quality. MARELUX is well aware that the huge potential of the future market has not yet been touched. Different markets and different needs of customers require more beneficial opinions and suggestions, and these opinions and suggestions come mostly from partners and users of MARELUX.

Finally, MARELUX once again thanked all customers and agents for their support, and said that it will continue to improve the quality and technology of its own products through various forms to meet the needs of more people for diving equipment.


The successful hosting of MARELUX at the Japan dive show undoubtedly provides strong validation for the brand's top-notch underwater photography equipment technology and exceptional product quality. MARELUX is well aware of the huge untapped potential in the market, and the needs of different markets and customers, which require more valuable inputs from MARELUX's partners and customers.

Finally, MARELUX would like to thank all customers and dealers for their strong support and expressed their commitment to continually improving the quality and technology of their products to meet the needs of more people for underwater photography equipments.